Advance global modeling of the ground magnetic field (delta-B) variations under extreme solar driving conditions

Advance global modeling of the ground magnetic field (delta-B) variations under extreme solar driving conditions

Team PI

PI Reference
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Antti Pulkkien

Who Will Do What:

Antti Pulkkinen will manage the project, Peter Schuck will lead the uncertainty characterization, Seán Blake, Alex Glocer, Dan Welling, Chigo Ngwira are our modeling experts and Michele Cash provides the connection to NOAA SWPC.

What Are Our Expectations:

We will make major progress towards understanding and modeling the physics of extreme delta-B. Our work will also lead to major progress in predicting the relevant delta-B structures.

What Are Our Objectives:

The specific focus of the proposed work is to advance global modeling of the ground magnetic field (delta-B) variations under extreme solar driving conditions.

What Are Our Goals:

Using physics-based simulations, we will target two specific phenomena:

  • i) Auroral boundary expansion during extreme events,
  • ii) Spatiotemporal localization during extreme events.


Co-PI or Collaborator Reference

Seán Blake

Peter Schuck

Daniel Welling

Chigo Ngwira

Michele Cash

NASA GSFC is the lead institute with PI and two Co-Is. The Catholic University of America, ASTRA, University of Texas Arlington are participating as external Co-Is. NOAA SWPC participation provides the tight end-user connection to the project.

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