Conductance Effects on Global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Evolution during Storms and Superstorms
Who Will Do What:
NASA group will update STET and together with APL group make it a module of MIX.
NCAR group with NASA and APL groups will modify TIEGCM with inputs from MIX + STET.
BU group will update E-region turbulence modeling and parameterization of the nonlinear conductivity corrections, as well as study the effect of electron precipitation on the E-region turbulence.
APL and NCAR groups will perform global MIT simulations using updated codes.
All groups will identify geophysically interesting events with the results of AMPERE, SuperDarn, etc. observations.
Tasks 1-3 are parallel followed by parallel tasks 4,5. All groups can collaborate on each task, if this seems to be appropriate and justified.
What Are Our Expectations:
All our groups belong to the Space Science modeling/theory community.
All decision making in the project will be based on collective discussions between the team members involved.
What Are Our Objectives:
Using physics-based models, to quantify effects of ionospheric conductance and Joule heating during extreme solar events by including electron precipitation and E-region ionospheric turbulence.
What Are Our Goals:
Parameterize the results from the kinetic precipitation simulator, STET, and incorporate this into the magnetosphere/ring-current/Ionosphere (LFM/MIX/RCM/TIEGCM) simulator. Analyze the feedback of precipitation on ionospheric turbulence to:
1) deliver parameterized nonlinear corrections for the conductance models to be used in any global MHD modeling of extreme Solar activity events;
2) and estimate possible effects of the new conductivity model on Joule heating and thermospheric dynamics. The JHU/APL team is working separately on a full rewrite of LFM (now GAMERA) and MIX (now REMIX). The new codes will be used for the proposed tasks as appropriate.
What Are Our Milestones:
Year 1: Update STET for arbitrary electron distribution functions and make it a subroutine of MIX. Recalibrate the precipitation parameters from LFM to GAMERA and test TIEGCM with inputs from the updated MIX routine. Study interaction between precipitation and E-region turbulence.
Year 2: Incorporate MIX w/ STET parameterization into LFM to calculate electron conductances and energy fluxes; modify TIEGCM to use data from STET; continue studying interaction between precipitation and E-region turbulence.
Year 3: Combine TIEGCM with LFM/MIX/RCM and start self-consistent CMIT simulations; create STET MI coupling module; identify geophysically interesting events with sufficient AMPERE, SuperDARN and other observations.
Year 4: Perform case studies with the fully coupled CMIT model and make final parameterized corrections for conductance models to be used in various global simulations.
BU (Oppenheim, Dimant): Theory and simulations of E-region ionospheric turbulence
NASA Goddard (Khazanov): Kinetic modeling of precipitating electrons (STET)
APL/JHU (Merkin): Global MHD simulations of magnetosphere/ionosphere (LFM/MIX)
NCAR/UCAR (Wang): Global simulations of ionosphere/thermosphere (TIEGCM)